Quick test for dogs and cats to detect the presence of Giardia in the digestive system. Giardia are small parasites that can colonize the small intestine of cats, dogs, and humans. They are highly contagious and interfere with digestion by forming resistant cysts in the digestive system. Very common in puppies and adopted animals, they can be contracted by animals of any age or breed. If a Giardia infection is left untreated, it can cause acute or even chronic intestinal inflammation. It is recommended to take a Giardia Check test in case of diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal or stomach pain.
Age | Puppy/KittyJuniorAdultSenior |
EAN | 4262405970128 |
Destination | DogCatRodent |
Instructions | Récoltez un petit peu d'excréments ou de vomi de l'animal, mélangez-le dans le tube avec la solution à l'aide du coton tige. Extraire quelques gouttes du mélange et appliquez sur la cassette de test. Attendre 5 à 10 minutes et vous avez déjà le résultat ! |
Recommended quantities | En cas de test positif, renouveler le test au bout de 2 semaines. Il est recommandé de tester son animal minimum 2 fois par an. |
Symptoms | Digestion |